I’ve never been to Maine, but every other part of this resonates more deeply than I can possibly put into words.

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Ironically I was in Maine last week. It is my happy place. The scenery, the wild ocean, the huge rocks. There is nothing quite so humbling as looking off a cliff into the ocean, and nothing so beautiful. It is where my heart longs to be. Alas, my family is not there and I heed the call to come back. However, at some point, I will have a little cottage by the sea where I can escape to and find my wild self!

Enough about ME! Let’s talk about you! I am glad that you, even if it was just for a few days, found your happy place. And while you cocooned as soon as you got home, that trip changed you in some way. It let you feel light, and happy. It gave you a feeling that you can turn back to, and engage with, when you are not wanting to get out of your bed. I’m glad that Dave woke you and I’m glad that waffle put her paw on your chest and I’m most glad that even though every piece of you wanted to stay in bed, you got up and took the walk. Keep saying YES Kate. Just keep saying yes. Xxoo

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I feel happy when you write a piece. I feel your words though I do not deal with mental illness. Your words always transcend me to a place that I can’t describe. All I can say is I am here and continue to learn through your guidance!❤️💜

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Your writing is so beautiful. After reading this I longed to call a friend to talk about your writings - like I do with friends when we connect over great songs, poetry and deep and meaningful things. I’d love everyone to know about you and your work. It is so very lovely.

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Being from Maine, I understand the feeling you get when visiting. There are endless places to go to feel at peace. I LOVE the hermit crab analogy. It perfectly describes how we live our lives. Can't wait for FEARS camp.💜💜💜

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Thank you for sharing your beautiful writing, thoughts, and feelings. 💜

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Thank you so very much for sharing! Your writing is beautiful and Kate so are you!🩷

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Kate, I have a cottage in mid coast Maine (in a small town on the rocky coast) and spend months there each year. It is beautiful and peaceful. I don’t leave my troubles behind, but I feel more human and healthy there. When I am able, I toss my sadness out to sea. I get it completely. It is my happy place, too, and my heaven on earth.

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Been looking forward to your words. We’re all here in our own fight and I feel SO fortunate to have found you. You who brings us together to live together one moment at a time. I so look forward to the 1st. I look to future Thursdays at 4 pm PDT. Thank you Kate and dawgies. Be good to yourself. 💜🩷💜

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Thank you for this and the importance of being afraid/uncomfortable and doing it anyways is huge… I feel like going back to teaching this year has been that way for me 💜💜💜

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Thank you for such a beautiful &vulnerable story. 😊☮️

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If we can't attend the first session on Sept 1st can we still hop on the following calls? I'm becoming more of a hermit every day and am scared I am losing my way for good.

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The overwhelming feeling of returning to home after a week away, I never could put it into words. This is exactly how I feel every time. It’s an escape from self, a distraction of new sights and smells and people who don’t know me, no judgment or misunderstanding. Thank You, Kate💜

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Missed you. Every bit of you and Dave and the sweetest girls in the world. Ps. We rescued an amazing German shepherd. Happy dog day!!

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Before I read what you wrote, I just stared at the picture and said, "Wow, that reminds me of Uncle Walter's cottage on the lake in Maine!" That was our annual family vacation destination when growing up.

As someone who has moved from MA to SC to TX to escape myself and reminders of past trauma, I now understand the meaning of the saying, "Wherever you go, there you are". It doesn't work. I miss MA so much and I wish I never left.

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