If you're in the trenches, this is for you
and stories from Santa Cruz, New York City and Boston -- the many places I've been these past few weeks
Hello Beautiful Human,
I’ve had a whirlwind of a couple of weeks. I’ve been to California, New York City, and Boston. I’ve had high highs, low lows, and allll the messy in-betweens. It’s also been quite a time in this heavy world with the US election fast approaching so instead of adding to the heaviness this week with another written chapter about my past experiences with disabling serious mental illness, I’m trying something new today — a little video with a big reminder within it:
Save the date! Our next HEALING OUT LOUD TOGETHER will be Wednesday, October 30, at 7 pm EST.
For those unfamiliar, Healing Out Loud Together is our community gathering devoted to sharing our written stories out loud together. It is free and open to everyone. We write for the first 10-15 minutes with the given prompt or about whatever you’d like and then we spend the remainder of our time together, reading our stories aloud and holding space for the power of our truths and lived resilience.
Please mark your calendars and I so hope to see you there!
You will need both the zoom link below and this passcode: 195873 to join.
This week, I also have a few stories about the many adventures the past three weeks held in California, New York, and Massachusetts. I not only discuss my trips all over the country and the many incredible people I met at all these speaking gigs, but I also share:
The power of psychological safety — even found with a board member of The Atlantic — and how to cultivate it at an event, party or get together
The healing of a psych ward dinner party with the most famous and unexpected table mate
The three life-saving hacks you need to know if you ever get food poisoning in public
The relentless kindness of people fighting their way through hard times
The gift of being in it — whatever it is — together
The opportunity of fear — and how beautiful it can be when we do something terrified
And on that note, I am going to send this email because showing up on video is terrifying for me and before I chicken out, I’m going to hit send so that potential for beauty can have a chance to manifest itself.
With love, I wish you a day.